No-Show Policy
A no-show is a student who does not attend class or make any attempt to contact his or
instructor during the first three days of the academic term.
You are expected to attend class beginning the first day of the term. If you are absent from the first
class meeting, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor and confirm that you intend to be a
student in his or her class. If you do not communicate with your instructor during the first three days of
the term, you will be removed from the class as a no-show. Students taking online courses must log onto
ANGEL at the start of the academic term and communicate with the course instructors. Otherwise,
instructors of online courses will report these students as no-shows. Students who attend at least one
class session or log onto ANGEL and communicate with their online instructors during the first three days
of the academic term but later stop attending classes are not considered no-shows.