Campus Safety and Security
The safety of students, visitors, faculty, and staff is a priority of Southeastern Technical
College. Campus security officers are responsible for responding to on-campus emergencies and safety
Safety Escorts
Students who would like a safety escort from classes to their vehicles should contact campus security
at (912) 538-3100 on the Vidalia Campus or (478)-289-2200 on the Swainsboro Campus.
Emergency Action Plan
Each classroom and laboratory contains a posted emergency action plan for fire or hazardous weather
conditions. The plan includes evacuation instructions in case of emergency. Please take a moment to review the plan and become familiar with the plan in each of your classrooms at the beginning of the
Emergency Contacts
In the event of fire, personal injury, or criminal action, someone witnessing the incident should
notify the nearest instructor or staff member immediately. That person should also notify Campus
Security immediately. More information about Campus Safety and Security is available on the Southeastern Technical College website by clicking on the Student Affairs tab/Campus Resources/Campus Security.
Tobacco-Free Campus
The regulations of this STC policy are as follows:
- All STC campuses are tobacco-free environments. Tobacco use is prohibited inside and outside all buildings and parking lots and within any College vehicle or any vehicle on campus. This policy applies to all persons while on campus. The above may not use tobacco products to include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, or any other form of tobacco product.
- Campus sidewalks, streets, and adjacent neighboring property are not to be used as tobacco use areas.
- The monitoring and enforcement of the tobacco free workplace policy is the responsibility of all STC employees and students. Each member should consistently and politely bring any infraction of this policy to the attention of the person or persons observed violating this policy.